cpm-e ministries

As you have been browsing around our home in cyberspace, you may have some questions about cpm-e that you can't find the answers to.
Well, we hope to answer them here for you! Below are some frequently asked questions that we get from ministers, worship leaders, and congregations as they prayerfully consider booking us to come and minister at their church.
We believe in transparency and accountability, so if you have a question that is not here, please be sure to get in touch with us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

| frequently asked questions |

Are you affliated with a denomination?
Who are you accountable to?
cpm-e ministries is affiliated with the Canadian Fellowship of Churches and Ministers (CFCM). As a ministry, we operate under their spiritual covering. A few of our team memebers hold minisitrail licenses with CFCM as well.
CFCM is a Canadian ministry fellowship whose aim it is to promote unity, fellowship and strength in and through the local church. More information about them can be found at their website.
No, we are not. cpm ministries is affiliated with the Canadian Fellowship of Churches and Ministers (CFCM), which is a Canadian ministry fellowship whose aim it is to promote unity, fellowship and strength in and through the local church. We are evangelical by nature, but have served various churches with a broad spectrum of beliefs, traditions, and values.
We are very comfortable in any church that would adhere to the Apostles Creed, and are very willing to work within the boundaries of what your particular church would be use to. We believe in the gifts of the spirit and the five-fold ministry of the church. Our hearts are to come and work alongside you wherever your church is at, not to discuss which denomination is on the "right" end of the spectrum.
What can you offer my church?
Well, there are three specific avenues where cpm-e ministries can get involved with the local church. Churches often combine all three elements into a weekend of equipping and encouragement for their entire congregation, but it depends on the specific need of your church.
1. Helping with a Service | Churches will have members of cpm-e come and help out with the music for their services. This could be to give their worship teams a day off to rest, to help starting worship teams feel a little more comfortable, or just to share in the experience together.
2. Training Seminars | We offer training seminars to local churches nationwide that deal with the biblical and spiritual aspects of worship, practical dynamics of being involved in the worship team and honing our musical and technical skills, leadership topics, and dealing with puirty and issues that face every one of us. These seminars are typically offered over a weekend, but can also be adapted to an evening session as well. The focus of these seminars is to learn and grow both as individuals and as a team.
3. Speaking Engagements | We are more than happy to come and share with your congregation as well. We do talks on a variety of topics that would benifit the whole congregation.
Some of it depends on the time frame we have together. A weekend seminar would consist of a full day on Saturday (9:00am - 5:00pm) and then the Sunday morning service as well. Some churches have also extended this weekend to start with a Friday evening opening session.
On the Saturday, we would cover 4-5 of the sessions we offer. Usually we would ask the worship leader or pastor to pick their top five choices, and then would build a schedule from there. In the schedule for the day, we also build in time for various group activities, small group interaction, debriefing & journaling, general question & answer, as well as prayer & impartation.
During the Sunday service, we can help out with the music or give the team some time off and do the music ourselves. We are also available to speak to the congregation during this service as part of the overall weekend.
For evening sessions or half-day sessions, usually 2-3 topics of the sessions we offer could be covered. We still also try to build in some time for reflection and group interaction, depending on the time frame that is available.
What does a seminar typically look like?
What sort of topics do you cover?
A complete list can be found here on our website. Click here to get started! If there is something you don't see and would like to, drop us a note and let us know. We will do our best to accomadate you.
How much does it cost?
The cost various depending on what your looking for. Check out our breakdown here.
Can I get in touch with other people who have heard you speak?
For sure! First of all, we would encourage you to read some quotes from other worship leaders, pastors, and team members who have had us come and serve their congregation. These quotes come from evaluation forms we ask teams to fill out, and we have been given full permission to post them for others to read.
Contact information for ministry and/or character references is also available upon request. Please get in touch with us for this information.
Is cpm-e a chartible organization? What about not for profit?
No, we are not.
CPM Enterprises is a sole proprietorship business registered with the government of Alberta. It was originally founded in May of 1999, registered in Nova Scotia. Today, it operates out of Calgary, Alberta. As you can see from the links at the bottom of this page, cpm-e offers a wide range of oppertunities to people, all with a common theme of helping you rach your God-given potential.
We are a business with a heart for ministry.
Can we record your worship seminars or training sessions?
Workshops and speaking engagements may not be recorded without prior written consent of CPM Enterprises. This includes any audio or video recording whatsoever. Video taping done for purposes of live video streaming within a larger venue is acceptable, but the recording may not be stored, duplicated, or transmitted outside of the venue without the written permission of CPM Enterprises.
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